Dinamic VB Expressons
Global functions can be reached from any element of flat file schema. Here is the list of standard VB functions that you can use:
Public ReadOnly Pi As Double = Math.PI Public Function Sin(ByVal value As Double) As Double Return Math.Sin(value) End Function Public Function Cos(ByVal value As Double) As Double Return Math.Cos(value) End Function Public Function Exp(ByVal base As Double, ByVal pexp As Double) As Double Return Math.Pow(base, pexp) End Function Public Function Rnd() As Double Microsoft.VisualBasic.Randomize() Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Rnd End Function Public Function [Mod](ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) As Double Return x Mod y End Function Public Function Abs(ByVal val As Double) As Double If val < 0 Then Return -val Else Return val End If End Function Public Function Sqrt(ByVal v As Double) As Double Return Math.Sqrt(v) End Function Public Function Power(ByVal v As Double, ByVal e As Double) As Double Return Math.Pow(v, e) End Function Public Function Trunc(ByVal value As Double, Optional ByVal prec As Integer = 0) As Integer value -= 0.5 / Math.Pow(10, prec) Return CInt(Math.Round(value, prec)) End Function Public Function Round(ByVal value As Object) As Double Return Math.Round(CDbl(value)) End FunctionMin(double,...), Max(double,...)
Public Function Min(ByVal v1 As Double, ByVal v2 As Double, _ Optional ByVal v3 As Double = Double.MaxValue, _ Optional ByVal v4 As Double = Double.MaxValue, _ Optional ByVal v5 As Double = Double.MaxValue) As Double Dim res As Double = v1 If v2 < res Then res = v2 If v3 < res Then res = v3 If v4 < res Then res = v4 If v5 < res Then res = v5 Return res End Function Public Function Max(ByVal v1 As Double, ByVal v2 As Double, _ Optional ByVal v3 As Double = Double.MinValue, _ Optional ByVal v4 As Double = Double.MinValue, _ Optional ByVal v5 As Double = Double.MinValue) As Double Dim res As Double = v1 If v2 > res Then res = v2 If v3 > res Then res = v3 If v4 > res Then res = v4 If v5 > res Then res = v5 Return res End Function
Private Shared daylist() As String = _ {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}MonthList() - Is zero based string array of months.
Private Shared monthlist() As String = _ {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", _ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}Now(), Today() - Get current time and date.
Public Function Now() As DateTime Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Now End Function Public Function Today() As DateTime Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Today End FunctionDate(integer, integer, integer) - Convert from numbers to date.
Public Function [Date](ByVal year As Integer, ByVal month As Integer, _ ByVal day As Integer) As DateTime Return New Date(year, month, day) End Function Public Function Year(ByVal d As DateTime) As Integer Return d.Year End Function Public Function Month(ByVal d As DateTime) As Integer Return d.Month End Function Public Function Day(ByVal d As DateTime) As Integer Return d.Day End Function Public Function Weekday(ByVal d As DateTime) As Integer Select Case d.DayOfWeek Case DayOfWeek.Sunday Return 1 Case DayOfWeek.Monday Return 2 Case DayOfWeek.Tuesday Return 3 Case DayOfWeek.Wednesday Return 4 Case DayOfWeek.Thursday Return 5 Case DayOfWeek.Friday Return 6 Case Else '' Saturday Return 7 End Select End Function Public Function FormatDate(ByVal value As DateTime, ByVal format As String) As String Dim res As String = vbNullString Dim i As Integer Dim code As Char Dim word As String If String.IsNullOrEmpty(format) Then format = "d m y" Dim dd As Integer = value.Day For i = 0 To format.Length - 1 word = "" code = format.Chars(i) Select Case code Case "w"c word = daylist(value.DayOfWeek()) Case "x"c word = Substr(daylist(value.DayOfWeek()), 1, 3) Case "d"c Dim suff As String If dd >= 11 And dd <= 13 Then suff = "th" ElseIf (dd Mod 10) = 1 Then suff = "st" ElseIf (dd Mod 10) = 2 Then suff = "nd" ElseIf (dd Mod 10) = 3 Then suff = "rd" Else suff = "th" End If word = dd.ToString &suff Case "e"c word = dd.ToString() Case "f"c word = PadLeft(dd.ToString(), 2, "0") Case "m"c word = monthlist(value.Month() - 1) Case "n"c word = value.Month().ToString Case "o"c word = PadLeft(value.Month().ToString, 2, "0") Case "p"c word = Substr(monthlist(value.Month() - 1), 1, 3) Case "y"c word = value.Year().ToString Case "z"c word = PadLeft((value.Year() Mod 100).ToString, 2, "0") Case Else word = code End Select res &= word Next Return res End Function
Public Function Trim(ByVal strValue As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Trim(strValue) End Function Public Function LeftTrim(ByVal strValue As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.LTrim(strValue) End Function Public Function RightTrim(ByVal strValue As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.RTrim(strValue) End FunctionFormat(string), Lower(string), Upper(string), WCase(string) - Format string functions.
Public Function Format(ByVal value As Object, ByVal style As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Format(value, style) End Function Public Function Lower(ByVal value As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.LCase(value) End Function Public Function Upper(ByVal value As String) As String Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.UCase(value) End Function Public Function WCase(ByVal value As String) As String If Len(value) = 0 Then Return "" Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.UCase(value.Substring(0, 1)) &_ Microsoft.VisualBasic.LCase(value.Substring(1)) End FunctionReplace(string,string,string), SubStr(string,intger,integer),Mid(string,intger,integer), Len(str) - Operations with strings.
Function Replace(ByVal base As String, ByVal search As String, ByVal repl As String) As String Return base.Replace(search, repl) End Function ' Zero based index Public Function Substr(ByVal s As String, ByVal from As Integer, _ Optional ByVal len As Integer = Integer.MaxValue) As String If s Is Nothing Then Return String.Empty from -= 1 If from < 1 Then from = 0 If from >= s.Length Then from = s.Length If from + len > s.Length Then len = s.Length - from Return s.Substring(from, len) End Function ' Non-zero based index Public Function [Mid](ByVal value As String, ByVal startIndex As Integer, _ ByVal length As Integer) As String Return value.Substring(startIndex - 1, length) End Function Public Function Len(ByVal str As String) As Integer Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(str) End FunctionSoundex(string), Soundex(string,integer) - Functions for string matching.
' Standard Soundex function where resulting value length is four Public Shared Function Soundex(ByVal Word As String) As String Return Soundex(Word, 4) End Function ' Generic function with length defined by the user Public Shared Function Soundex(ByVal Word As String, ByVal Length As Integer) As String ' source: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/Soundex.aspx ' Value to return Dim Value As String = "" ' Size of the word to process Dim Size As Integer = Word.Length ' Make sure the word is at least two characters in length If (Size > 1) Then ' Convert the word to all uppercase Word = Word.ToUpper() ' Conver to the word to a character array for faster processing Dim Chars() As Char = Word.ToCharArray() ' Buffer to build up with character codes Dim Buffer As New System.Text.StringBuilder Buffer.Length = 0 ' The current and previous character codes Dim PrevCode As Integer = 0 Dim CurrCode As Integer = 0 ' Append the first character to the buffer Buffer.Append(Chars(0)) ' Prepare variables for loop Dim i As Integer Dim LoopLimit As Integer = Size - 1 ' Loop through all the characters and convert them to the proper character code For i = 1 To LoopLimit Select Case Chars(i) Case "A"c, "E"c, "I"c, "O"c, "U"c, "H"c, "W"c, "Y"c CurrCode = 0 Case "B"c, "F"c, "P"c, "V"c CurrCode = 1 Case "C"c, "G"c, "J"c, "K"c, "Q"c, "S"c, "X"c, "Z"c CurrCode = 2 Case "D"c, "T"c CurrCode = 3 Case "L"c CurrCode = 4 Case "M"c, "N"c CurrCode = 5 Case "R"c CurrCode = 6 End Select ' Check to see if the current code is the same as the last one If (CurrCode <> PrevCode) Then ' Check to see if the current code is 0 (a vowel); do not proceed If (CurrCode <> 0) Then Buffer.Append(CurrCode) End If End If ' If the buffer size meets the length limit, then exit the loop If (Buffer.Length = Length) Then Exit For End If Next ' Padd the buffer if required Size = Buffer.Length If (Size < Length) Then Buffer.Append("0"c, (Length - Size)) End If ' Set the return value Value = Buffer.ToString() End If ' Return the computed soundex Return Value End Function
Public Function Int(ByVal value As Object) As Integer Return CInt(value) End Function Public Function [Date](ByVal value As String, ByVal format As String) As DateTime Return DateTime.ParseExact(value, format, _ System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) End Function Public Function Dec(ByVal value As Object) As Double Return CDbl(value) End Function Public Function Chr(ByVal c As Integer) As String Return Chr(c) End Function Public Function Money(ByVal d As Object) As String '' Output a currency formatted string from input value d '' Zero values and inputs that cannot be converted to numbers return empty string Dim p As Double Try If TypeOf d Is String Then p = Math.Round(Val(d), 4) Return Format(p, "c") Else p = Math.Round(CType(d, Double), 4) If p = 0 Then Return "" Else Return Format(p, "c") End If End If Catch ex As Exception Return "" End Try End Function
Public Function FileExists(ByVal f As String) As Boolean Return (FileInfo(f).Exists) End Function Public Function FileInfo(ByVal f As String) As IO.FileInfo Dim altFilename As String = Me._schema.Path & f Dim fi As IO.FileInfo fi = New IO.FileInfo(altFilename) If fi.Exists = False Then fi = New IO.FileInfo(f) End If Return fi End Function
Public Function [If](ByVal cond As Boolean, ByVal TrueValue As Object, _ ByVal FalseValue As Object) As Object If cond Then Return TrueValue Else Return FalseValue End If End Function
Public Function PadLeft(ByVal str As String, ByVal wantedlen As Integer, _ Optional ByVal addedchar As String = " ") As String Do While Len(str) < wantedlen str = addedchar &str Loop Return str End Function Public Function ChCR() As String Return vbCr End Function Public Function ChLF() As String Return vbLf End Function Public Function ChCRLF() As String Return vbCrLf End Function Public Function Entry(ByVal n As Integer, ByVal s As String, _ Optional ByVal delim As String = ",") As String Dim pos, pos2, l As Integer l = s.Length ' first find the starting pos For i As Integer = 0 To n If pos2 >= l Then Return Nothing pos = s.IndexOf(delim, pos2) If pos < 0 Then pos = s.Length End If If i = n Then Return s.Substring(pos2, pos - pos2) End If pos2 = pos + 1 Next Return Nothing End Function Public Function Index(ByVal s As String, ByVal search As String, _ Optional ByVal delim As String = ",") As Integer '' Copied from common.globals Dim pos, pos2, l As Integer l = s.Length '' first find the starting pos For i As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue If pos2 >= l Then Return 0 pos = s.IndexOf(delim, pos2) If pos < 0 Then pos = s.Length End If If s.Substring(pos2, pos - pos2) = search Then Return i End If pos2 = pos + 1 Next Return 0 End Function Public Function Inlist(ByVal search As String, ByVal list As String, _ Optional ByVal delim As String = ",") As Boolean If Len(delim) = 0 Then Return False If Len(list) = 0 Then If Len(search) = 0 Then Return True Else Return False End If '' speed could be improved using indexof repeatidly For Each entry As String In list.Split(delim.Chars(0)) If entry = search Then Return True End If Next Return False End Function Public Function Split(ByVal s As String, Optional ByVal delimiter As String = ",") As String() Return s.Split(delimiter.Chars(0)) End Function Function DbNull() As System.DBNull Return System.DBNull.Value End Function Public Function FormatInteger(ByVal value As Integer, ByVal format As String) As String Return value.ToString(format) End Function
There are also global functions that get schema or process specific information:
Constant(name As String) - Gets value of Global Variable by namePublic Function Constant(ByVal name As String) As String If Not _schema Is Nothing Then Return _schema.Constants(name).Value Return Nothing End FunctionStart() - Gets time when current validation process was started
Public Function Start() As Date If Not _schema Is Nothing Then Return _schema.Start Return Nothing End FunctionDuration() - Gets duration of the current validation process.
Public Function Duration() As TimeSpan If Not _schema Is Nothing Then Return _schema.ExecutionTime Return Nothing End FunctionCurrentFile() - Gets the object of the file that is buing validated.
Public Function CurrentFile() As DataTable If Not _schema Is Nothing Then Return _schema.CurrentFile Return Nothing End Function